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Lutterworth College

College blog - 22nd September 2017

Dear All,

We're four weeks into a seven week half term and it feels like the rush of the new school year is beginning to calm down. Year 7's no longer seem to be walking around the College site with their heads buried in their school timetables; Year 9's are starting their GCSE courses; new Year 10's are settling into a good pace of learning and Year 13's are getting ready for those important first UCAS submissions. It feels like business as usual but of course we know that both teachers and students are working extremely hard to replicate the amazing success of this summer's examination results.

This week we had our first Parental Engagement Evening on Monday and feedback was very positive. There are one or two logistical items that we need to do better but we know what these are and we will ensure they are in place for the next Parental Engagement Evening on Tuesday 24th October. If parents that attended the evening have any feedback on this evening then our Raising Standards Leader, Viv Lawson, is running the College Parental Engagement Group (PEGs) on Wednesday 4th October and you can email her on v.lawson@lutterworthcollege.com if you want to participate in this forum. All are welcome!

Next week we welcome our potential new Years 7's for September 2018 to our Open Evening on Thursday. Although over 600 tickets have been allocated, and are no longer available through the College website, any parents with children in Year 6 without a ticket to the talks are still warmly invited in for the evening. There will be some ticket availability for the talks on the evening; and if you come along on the night, please watch out for the amazing 'talking heads' video that our Year 7's made today. It was great to hear our Year 7's talking about their transition into Lutterworth College from their primary schools especially how they have made new friends in the first few weeks. Amazing to think that our Year 7 intake came from over 50 local primary schools; a real community coming together. And it is fantastic to know that for the first time in the College's history we are welcoming new Year 7's to a school that has a seamless educational experience and transition from Year 7 to Year 13.

In College this week our MFL teacher Mrs Albans announce the new Latin classes were starting in O8 on Thursday lunchtimes for Year's 10 through 13. If any student is interested they should see Mrs Albans as soon as possible.

And, a date for your diaries for those parents with Students in Year 7, 10 & 12 is our 'Meet the Mentor' Evening on Tuesday 3rd October. Further details coming out direct to those parents.

Finally, we have our 1/2 termly magazine, Sapere Aude, going to publication soon - if you would like us to celebrate any success of a Lutterworth College student that has happened outside of school, and we may not have picked up on, please send me in a picture and a paragraph or two about them.

Have a great weekend!

Nick Summers - Headteacher