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Lutterworth College

Physical Education

Physical Education at Lutterworth College aims to empower students to lead a lifelong active healthy lifestyle. We are passionate about instilling confidence in students, giving them the motivation to be involved in physical activity and develop their understanding of the short- and long-term health benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle. Our aims coincide with the colleges overarching vision of enabling every person to learn flourish and succeed. We strive to consistently deliver outstanding practical and theory lessons, provide opportunities for student to flourish in a comprehensive extracurricular programme and celebrate success on the sports field and in the classroom.

Lutterworth College has good links with local feeder primary school and coordinates activities and festivals for the schools. This helps to build the foundations of a seven-year learning journey for our students. Our curriculum allows students to apply the basic physical literacy that they have developed in Key Stages 1 and 2 in a wide range of physical activities, as well as giving them the understanding of how to develop both their own skills and the skills of others to preform effectively. The journey then sees students’ progress to undertaking more complex and physically demanding activities as well as allowing the opportunity to develop theoretical knowledge and understanding through a selection of level 2 and 3 examination courses. Throughout student’s time at Lutterworth College we encourage them to participate in sporting activities within the local community. We endeavour to make links with local community sports clubs, with the aim of encouraging students to continue to be physically active into life beyond school.

As a Church of England school, we have identified the CHRIST values which guide our student’s wider development into life outside of school. Students are given a wide range of opportunities to demonstrate these values in the classroom, on the sports field and as part of our extracurricular sport programme.

  • Being Courageous in the way they perceive the physical challenge of learning new skills or trying an activity for the first time.
  • Being Hardworking in the way they approach mastering skills and understanding of theoretical concepts.
  • Being Reflective in the self-assessment of their skills, tactics, leadership and theoretical concepts through effective analysis of performance.
  • Being Inspirational to others when representing the school at sports fixtures.
  • Being Supportive to both their classmates and teammates performances, sharing their thoughts and ideas on how to develop skills in a constructive manner.
  • Being Tenacious in their pursuit to continually develop their skills and knowledge of theoretical concepts, showing resilience to overcome setbacks.

Key Stage 3

Throughout Key Stage 3 students are exposed to a range of activities which allow for application and improvement of the basic skills they have developed during Key stages 1 and 2. These activities include overcoming opponents (such as Netball and Rugby), accurate replication of movement (for example gymnastics), development of technique to improve performance (such as in athletics), outdoor and adventurous activities (eg orienteering) and participating in competitive sport as part of our extracurricular programme. Within each of these activities’ students will focus on three key areas –

  • The development and performance of skills and techniques.
  • The understanding of key tactical and compositional ideas as well as the student’s ability to evaluate and consider improvement on both their own and others performance.
  • How to overcome challenge, demonstrating resilience to lead a healthy active lifestyle.

Each year students have a different core focus. In year 7 students focus on self-belief and ensuring social belonging, in year 8 leadership and developing growth mindset and in year 9 building aspirations and raising resilience. Lessons are delivered in a range of different teaching styles including teaching games for understanding, sport education and cooperative learning.

Underpinning these three areas are the key concepts of theoretical understanding which are integrated through verbal questioning and continual feedback, an element which is vital to successful progression into Key Stage 4. For example, students may develop their understanding of how the skeletal and muscular systems combine to allow for the movement they create to perform free throw in Basketball. Students also study a separate Dance curriculum as well as a cultural games and disability sport unit of work which allows for strong cross curricular links and inclusion. Furthermore, students progressively develop an understanding of how to lead and officiate activities, this may be in the form of leading warmups or designing drills in Hockey. They are also actively encouraged to access to a wide variety of recreational and competitive extracurricular sports activities throughout the academic year.

Year 7 Physical Education Curriculum Map

Year 8 Physical Education Curriculum Map

Year 9 Physical Education Curriculum Map

Key Stage 4

All students at Lutterworth College continue with the core Physical Education programme until the end of Key Stage 4. The yearly core focus shifts to building mental health and managing pressure in year 10 and in year 11 making active lifestyle and career choices. These During these lessons, students continue to build on the three areas for development identified in Key Stage 3 through undertaking a range of more complex and demanding physical activities. Students are encouraged to take ownerships over their learning and further develop skills in leaderships and officiating.  Again, students continue to have access to a wide variety of recreational and competitive extracurricular activities throughout the academic year, including many inclusive sport activities. Students are praised for their achievement in competitive sport and for leading an active lifestyle, examples of which can be seen on our college website.

In addition, students have a choice of level 2 examination pathways, which they can select as one of their options. These courses are GCSE Physical Education and Level 2 Health and Fitness. The GCSE Physical Education course allows students to develop their understanding of a wide range of theoretical concepts including how the body systems function to allow effective sports performance and how psychology can influence outcomes in sport. During these lessons’ students build a deep understanding of the key concepts through identifying the relevant aspects of a topic, followed by practical application and critical evaluation. For example, they will understand how to evaluate the use of performance enhancement methods, drawing their own conclusions on their effectiveness in sport. This process is reinforced through regular feedback and dedicated self-reflection time. GCSE PE students also continue to focus on the development of practical skills as part of their assessment. Level 2 Health and Fitness students also develop a deep understanding of key concepts; however, this is delivered through a more vocational context. For example, students will develop the ability to analyse information and produce a training programme for a client. This allows for the development of independent thinking and creativity.

Key Stage 4 Core Physical Education Curriculum Map

GCSE Physical Education Curriculum Map

NCFE Health & Fitness Curriculum Map

Key Stage 5

Students have the option to continue the examination pathways they have covered in Key Stage 4, through opting to study either A level Physical Education or Level 3 Btec Sport.

The A level Physical Education course covers a wide range of higher-level theoretical concepts. These include furthering student’s curiosity of how the human body can adapt to maximise performance in sport as well as exposing students to debates around current social cultural issues, such as the role of the media, advertisement and sponsorship in sport. Students will be encouraged to develop independence in their studies and challenged to think critically about a range of fascinating psychological theories that underpin the sporting mind.

For those students wishing to follow a more vocational pathway, Level 3 Btec Sport allows the opportunity for students to further develop an understanding of the career opportunities in sport and exposure to practical contexts. Students will research potential careers and apply for roles in the sports industry, allowing them to consider their progression after college. The course also further develops student’s ability to analyse personal information and form recommendations to develop healthy active lifestyles. As with the A level PE course, students also develop a deeper understanding of anatomy and physiology.

The sports leaders level 3 qualification is also offered to all 6th for students as an optional enrichment opportunity. This allows students to develop leadership skills and become role models for younger students through supporting whole school sporting events. It also allows them to develop key skills such as communication and time management which will air their transition into their chosen career.

A Level Physical Education Curriculum Map

Level 3 BTEC Sport Curriculum Map