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Lutterworth College

College House System

Senior Leader for the House System: Sarah Anderson Assistant Headteacher

 At Lutterworth College we firmly believe that the more a student can engage with College life, the more they will thrive at the College and reap the benefits the College has to offer. The House system is at the heart of this belief at the College and encapsulates our motto ‘enabling every student to learn, flourish and succeed’.

The Four Houses are:

Canterbury (Yellow)

York (Green)

 Lincoln (Blue)

Winchester (Red)

 The four tenets of the House system are to promote:

Belonging – Providing students and staff with a sense of belonging to their House and the House system, through House assemblies, shared success celebrations and charitable fundraising together.

Celebration – Providing students with opportunities to be celebrated for their efforts and successes through prizes, trophies and certificates.

Participation – Providing students with opportunities to work with each other and engage in school life through joint competitions, team sports and charity fundraising.

Competition – Providing students with opportunities to compete against each other in a wide variety of artistic competitions, academic competitions and team/individual sports.

The House system is a key component in driving positivity and praise within the College with House Points awarded to students for their participation in events across the College.

 Every mentor group is allocated to one of the Four Houses on entry to the college and this will be the same House as their mentor. Students are provided with Identity Card holders that match their House colour. Each House has a Year 13 House Captain who meet regularly with Head students and the Senior Leadership Team to help to lead and promote the House system across the College.

Students are encouraged to participate in the House system as much as possible, to enrich the time they spend with us.