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Lutterworth College

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

What is the Extended project?

  • The Extended Project is a Level 3 qualification is offered at Lutterworth College Sixth Form as a stand-alone qualification. Students at the College choose to take the Extended Project Qualification as an extension activity in addition to their normal suite of A levels & BTECS.
  • Students will sign up for the EPQ in the Summer term of Year 12 and it is completed by Summer half term in Year 13.
  • The Extended Project will develop and extend from one or more of the student’s study areas and/or from an area of personal interest or activity outside their main programme of study. It will be based on a topic chosen by the student(s) and agreed as appropriate by the College.
  • Delivery of the Extended Project Qualification at Lutterworth College will involve some teaching of the necessary skills, supervision and assessment of the student’s progress. It will involve extended autonomous work by the student. It will require in total 120 guided learning hours.

Students are required, with appropriate supervision, to:

  • choose an area of interest
  • draft a title and aims of the project for formal approval by the centre
  • plan, research and carry out the project
  • deliver a presentation to a non specialist audience
  • provide evidence of all stages of project development and production for assessment.

What are the Learning Outcomes of the Extended Project Qualification?

Students will:

  • identify, design, plan and complete an individual project, applying a range of organisational skills and strategies to meet agreed objectives
  • obtain, critically select and use information from a range of sources; analyse data, apply it relevantly and demonstrate understanding of any appropriate linkages, connections and complexities of the topic
  • select and use a range of skills, solve problems, take decisions critically, creatively and flexibly, to achieve planned outcomes
  • •evaluate outcomes both in relation to agreed objectives and own learning and performance.
  • Select and use a range of communication skills and media to present evidenced outcomes and conclusions in appropriate format.

How do I sign up?

If you are interested in taking the EPQ please complete the form below.

EPQ Sign Up

 The Extended Project Qualification

A selection of the EPQ research project titles from Lutterworth College Sixth Form students:

  • Is the institutionalisation of the elderly, suffering with dementia, a suitable alternative to living at home?
  • How does Charles Dickens through his novel, Great Expectations, explore the flaws of the Victorian Society?
  • As the refugee crisis becomes a larger scale problem to European countries how is it impacted on the host country's services and economy?
  • How has women's fashion in the 1940s influenced women's fashion today?
  • How influential have changes in equipment, technology and science research been on the development of modern football?
  • What level of national debt is sustainable in the future and what factors affect the future of national debt?
  • Does the advancement in tennis racquet technology leave players with an older model racquet at a disadvantage?
  • How is the UK responding to Brexit and how can the UK government ensure the best possible future trade deal?
  • Should the culling of badgers in the UK be allowed in order to prevent the spread of bovine Tuberculosis in cattle?
  • In the context of 1815-1933, to what extent was German nationalism responsible for the rise of the Nazi party?
  • Do new forensic technologies address the need for increasing the standard of forensic evidence in criminal investigations?
  • To what extent has Spain become a liberal democracy?
  • Has English football changes for the better or worse since 1966?
  • How do the respective characters of the four sisters in the novel, Little Women, reflect the changing attitudes of the C19th?
  • What can be identified from serial killers psychologically, and how can they be prevented?
  • What are the most effective forms of treatment and management for Parkinson's disease and Multiple Sclerosis?
  • How far have women come in terms of independence and equal rights to men?
  • What effect has social media had on marketing?
  • What is the future for Alzheimer's disease;?
  • Are video games becoming the best media platform for storytelling?
  • How justified is it to spend your gap year travelling internationally?
  • How far has women's sport evolved through participation levels and media coverage?
  • How did the management of Leicester City create a Premier winning team?
  • What influences people to exercise and how can people overcome barriers to exercise?
  • How has Neuro-prosthetics aided in the development of scientific ideas and medical solutions, and what uses will it have in the immediate future?
  • Can the study of biology and psychology help to explain why criminals commit crimes?
  • What change were made to military, political tactics and methods used by the Romans and Carthaginians during the second Punic war and what impact did they have on the outcome of the war?
  • Is the habitation and colonisation of Mars a feasible alternative to life on Earth?
  • Does a healthy financial position of a football club result in success?