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Lutterworth College

Religious Studies 

At Lutterworth College we are committed to ensuring all our students, no matter their background, starting point or world view, leave us with an excellent foundation upon which to understand the world around them and question their part to play in it. The principle aim of RE is to engage pupils in exploring the big questions about life, different responses to them, and deepen their own world view. Developing skills that allow students to contribute positively to society is what underpins all that we do in RS. To enquire, analyse and evaluate different world views and ethical viewpoints is key to the curriculum at all key stages. Living in the 21st century is challenging for all young people. In our RS curriculum we look at many of the current challenges that people face on a national and global level. Poverty, discrimination, and racial and religious prejudice are just some of the topics that we look at from an academic and moral perspective. Whilst RS explores spiritual and moral issues we are firmly routed in academic writing and research. Students are encouraged at all key stages to use academic literature and religious literature to support their work. At all key stages, analysing religious text is an important skill that in turn, allows students to weigh up the value of wisdom from different sources, to develop and express their insights in response, and to agree or disagree respectfully.

Central to our Church of England status is our motto ‘dare to be wise’ we want to develop learners who share in the values that are shown through the example of Jesus. Compassion, kindness, and understanding are integral to human flourishing and wisdom. Knowledge is not just about knowing; it is about doing. We want our students to take the CHRIST values and make them apart of their day-to-day whilst at school and whilst in their wider community. We support students to develop these values in the following ways:

  • Being Courageous - we want our students to have the courage and bravery to stand up for what they believe in and speak out about injustices they see both in the college and in the world. We look at people such as Malala Yousafzai as a leading example of someone who showed true bravery and courage to stand up for girls right to an education
  • Being Hardworking - Religious Studies is both morally engaging and academically challenging. From as early as Y7 students are reading, interpreting, and analysing scripture and apply it to different moral and spiritual issues.
  • Being Reflective - this comes in two forms in RS. Reflecting on assessments and looking at ways to improve their work is both challenging and purposeful. We also give students multiple opportunities to reflect on previous and current religious and culture issues such as racism, discrimination, and ill-treatment. From this, students reflect on how these problems have been dealt with in the past and actively stand up to these issues as young members of the 21st
  • Being Inspiring - RS allows for the opportunity to look at many inspirational people from all walks of life. We encourage our students to be inspired and ‘be the change they wish to see in the world’.
  • Being Supportive - In RS we talk about a multitude of moral, spiritual, and ethical issues that can sometimes be difficult for students to talk about, this is when support really shines in our subject. Students come together to support and care for one another whilst also learning about other student’s world views and experiences
  • Being Tenacious - Students are encouraged to explore different ethical and moral viewpoints on a range of issues. This enables students to appreciate different points of you and in many cases, strengthens their own viewpoints. By challenging viewpoints, students must work harder to justify and hold onto their own beliefs and world view.

Key Stage 3

Helping students to learn about, understand and appreciate different world views is most important at KS3 to build a foundation for students to build on throughout the following key stages. At Key Stage 3 the curriculum allows students to explore the 6 major world religions and gain an insight into their customs, religious and ethical views, and religious practices. Building on their prior learning at KS2, students draw on a wide range of subject specific language confidently and learn to use the concepts of religious study to describe the nature and practice of religion. Students at KS3 look at ‘the big questions’ such as Is there a God? what happens when we die? And who decides what is right and wrong? By exploring these big questions, we enable students to make well-informed and reasoned personal responses and express insight that draw on a wide range of examples including the arts, media, and philosophy. Students in year 8 look at ‘Who is God?’ and then design their own postcard to express their person views on such question. The RE curriculum at KS3 is underpinned with Belief, Expression and Living. Through this, students will look at and analyse scripture and explore how that influences the way a religious person lives their life. Students will also study how different religions and denominations within those religions will express their beliefs and live their life according to their source of authority and wisdom.

Year 7 Religious Studies Curriculum Map

Year 8 Religious Studies Curriculum Map

Year 9 Religious Studies Curriculum Map

Key Stage 4

All students will extend and deepen their knowledge and understanding of religions (including non-religious worldviews), whilst learning to appreciate and appraise the nature of different worldviews in systematic ways. At KS4 students will follow the AQA specification which requires students to have an in-depth study of two religions, (we have chosen Christianity and Islam) and four ethical issues. As part of this in-depth study, students look at the beliefs and teachings of each religion and then how those beliefs and teachings are practiced. This work is both challenging and engaging as it asks student to look at sources of religious authority (such as the Qur’an) from the perspective of a religious believer and then analyse how those teachings can be adapted to suit 21st century living. Through this learning, students will gain an appreciation of how religion can and does influence ethics. Students will then be able to argue for and justify their own position on such issues whilst be able to explain and justify opposing views. Critical thinking, analytical writing and a wide vocabulary are what challenge and engage our students at this key stage. Having the opportunity to talk about their own opinion and world view is what makes RE both relatable and enjoyable at GCSE.

GCSE Religious Studies (full course) Curriculum Map

GCSE Religious Studies (short course) Curriculum Map

Key Stage 5

A-Level Religious Studies is both challenging and insightful. Students follow the OCR specification and cover a wide range of philosophical questions, ethical issues and Christian teachings and thought. Religious Studies at this key stage encourages students to develop their interest in a rigorous study of religion and belief and relate it to the wider world around them. Through their learning they can adopt an enquiring, critical and reflective approach to religion, philosophy, and ethics. Students will build upon their KS3 knowledge of Christianity and look at the example of Jesus and his influence. In addition, students will investigate different beliefs in the soul, the afterlife and God. A-Level encourages independent research and a ‘love of learning’. Students go beyond the textbook and the teacher and enquire for themselves how religion fits in with modern day society and the big issues of current society covering everything from Euthanasia to the conscience.

A Level Religious Studies Curriculum Map