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Home Learning

Independent Learning tasks are set by teachers using the platform SatchelOne. Here you will find details of each task as well as when and how your teacher would like the work to be submitted. You can access SatchelOne via the Student Portal or by downloading the app onto your device. 

Studying independently can be a scary thing. Even when you know what you are doing, the lack of an adult to ask or a reassuring “well done” can mean you won’t realise that. With that in mind, here are a few ways to improve your performance studying at home:

  • Plan – and remember to plan in the planning time itself. Do not plan to work when you are not at your best (late in evenings, or when Coronation Street is on). There is nothing wrong with spending Monday morning writing out a list, broken down into “straightforward”, “moderate” and “challenging”.
  • Space tasks out – you should not do all your favourites on Monday, or the hard ones on Friday.
  • Pace – You have a whole week.
  • Separate – particularly bigger tasks. Breaking up tasks can give your brain time to process them. When you come back the next day with fresh eyes, you will see ways to improve things.
  • Adjust – if you cannot do exactly what is being asked of you, do what you can. Doing something is better than doing nothing. Show willing.
  • Ask about your work – you are studying at home, not alone.

You will find some things difficult to understand at times studying from home. (If you do not, email your teachers immediately and ask for some harder work!)

How can you find help if you are struggling?

Do not despair – work has to be challenging in order for you to improve. Work through this little 5-point plan.

  1. Take a break – when you get stuck, do not beat yourself up endlessly trying to solve it then and there. You can still do work, just a different subject. A change is as good as a rest. 24 hours before you try again makes a lot of sense, as you will have a sleep and your mood will recover. (This is one of the reasons you should not leave things to the last day.)
  2. Use what you have been given – Did your work come with a video? Were you giving it your full attention when it was playing? Did you read that wall of text at the top of the sheet, or just go straight to the questions? Most work which is not enquiry-based will have attachments or resources to help you.
  3. Check other resources – If what you have is not enough, use other resources. Below, you’ll find some sources and materials your teachers recommend – and you probably have a revision guide on the shelf from the start of the course. You can ask Google, but make sure you know how to search online.
  4. Ask a human – It could be a friend, sibling, or adult. They may be able to explain things in a different way or help with a drawing or diagram. Try not to use them more than necessary – and combine it with 3. By asking them where they think you might find the answer, they can help you do it yourself.
  5. Ask your teacher – This is your safety net. When you have exhausted all your other options and it’s still not there, get in touch. Take a picture/send them what you have done (remember something is better than nothing!) – and ask where it went wrong. “I don’t get it” could be any of so many possible problems your teacher will have no idea where to start. Be specific when you describe your problem. You can ask two or three times. You can find all of your teachers’ email addresses here.
  6. Attend Independent Learning Club - This takes place in the library every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3.15 to 4.30pm. Here you can complete Independent Learning tasks, support by a member of staff and Sixth Form students. You can also make use of the resources in the library, including the computers. To sign up, please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/e/BGPLyfJswG 

Below is a table of all the best online resources you should absolutely be taking advantage of – even if you aren’t stuck, and just want to do a bit of additional study.

Revision guides, exercise books and videos/documentaries are all great too – whatever works.



Suitable for KS


BBC Bitesize



Oak Academy – designed specifically for lockdown

3, 4


Simple Wikipedia – like Wikipedia, but simpler

3, 4, 5


englishatlc.com – our blog!

3, 4, 5


Twitter and Instagram @englishatlc

4, 5


Mr Bruff on YouTube 

3, 4, 5


Mrs Fisher's Media Studies Revision Channel on YouTube



MyMaths (email your teacher for your login)

3, 4, 5


Hegarty Maths (also requires a College login)

3, 4


Corbettmaths.com and YouTube channel

3, 4


Seneca (senecalearning.com- students sign up independently for free)

3, 4, 5


wordreference.com – the best free online dictionary

3, 4, 5


conjuguemos.com – for tenses and conjugations

3, 4


coolgeography.co.uk – a great support site

3, 4


Craig N Dave on YouTube






How to search online effectively:

  • Use keywords
  • Add your level and tier when you search
  • Use “ “ (quote marks) to search for an exact phrase, otherwise the words can appear in any order
  • Follow relevant links – ideally from familiar sources. The top few links are often ads
  • Pay attention to “People also ask” recommendations

 A good example of a search would be:

Types of Blood Vessels GCSE Double Science Foundation