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Lutterworth College


Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.

Matthew 13:12

‘Children with a restricted vocabulary at 5 years old were more likely to be poor readers as adults, experience higher unemployment rates and even have more mental health issues.’

Closing the Vocabulary Gap - Alex Quigley

Our commitment to ensuring every child can learn flourish and succeed underpins everything we do at Lutterworth College and that is why our approach to literacy focuses on ensuring that we have the best teachers delivering the best lessons.


What your child can expect at Lutterworth College


Reading at KS3 and 4 will be wide varied and challenging.

Pupils have access to:

  • Both fiction and non-fiction reading texts in tutor time in years 7, 8 and 9.
  • The Leicestershire Reading Rampage programme.
  • The college library and its dedicated staff.
  • Star Reader, Accelerated Reader, and fortnightly Library Lessons in years 7, 8 and 9.
  • Author visits.
  • KS3 and KS4 recommended reading lists.
  • Like Our Subject? Then Read This titles.
  • The Reader Leader Scheme which offers training and support to students who face barriers to reading fluency and comprehension.
  • Weekly recommended reads from our College librarian.


Pupils will have access to:

  • Exemplars of the various conventions of the genres and formats they will be required to produce.
  • strategies, glossaries or lists of appropriate subject vocabulary.
  • Writing competitions
  • In addition, students will:
  • have the opportunity to write for a variety of audiences using a variety of formats.
  • be expected to plan, redraft and check their written work.
  • be taught how to write for their specific subject areas.


Pupils will have access to:

  • Subject specific terminology
  • Lists of key terms with appropriate terminology
  • Explicit teaching of subject specific vocabulary
  • Word of the Week
  • In addition, students will be able to:
  • Enter our annual spelling bee competition
  • Use subject-specific terminology with accuracy and confidence, both in written and spoken contexts.
  • Apply strategies for spelling complex words, such as sounding out, segmenting, mnemonics or identifying links to other words (root words, prefixes, suffixes)


Pupils will have access to:

  • Debating clubs
  • Class discussions
  • Paired and group work
  • High level teacher talk
  • Classroom environments where everyone feels safe and comfortable to contribute

In addition, students will be able to:

  • Adapt their speech to a range of situations and circumstances, recognizing the appropriate register of speech in formal and informal contexts.
  • Actively listen to the contributions of other.

Years 7-9 Reading List

GCSE & A Level Reading List