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Lutterworth College

Behaviour and Rewards

Lutterworth College’s central aim is to enable every young person to learn, flourish and succeed. We want students who succeed in doing the right thing to be given recognition and praise. Where students fail to meet our expectations, we want sanctions that are fair and proportionate. Crucially, we want our systems to be open and transparent so that students and parents know where they stand.

On this page, we'll outline how we will be rewarding students who do the right thing, and the steps we’ll take when this isn’t the case.


There are a number of ways in which students can acquire credits for positive behaviours.

Demonstrating the Be CHRIST values

Staff can award credits for students demonstrating one or more of our six ‘Be CHRIST’ values:

  • Courage
  • Hard work
  • Reflection
  • Inspiration
  • Support
  • Tenacity

Each of these credits is worth 3 points, and there is no limit to how many a student can receive. Each faculty runs a weekly lottery-style draw to select their Faculty Star of the Week. Winners receive £2.50 on their student accounts to treat themselves. The more credits a student receives, the more likely it is that they’ll be selected.

Being awarded a Staff Star certificate

Every member of staff can nominate one student as their ‘Star’ of a given week. These certificates are worth 25 points.

Maintaining good attendance

Each week, students who attend every single day will be issued with an Attendance Star award, which is worth 5 points. We encourage all students to aim for 97% as a minimum, as there’s a direct correlation between a high attendance percentage and success in all areas of school life.

The table below shows the link between a student’s attendance percentage and the amount of education lost.

Attendance %

Days missed

Education lost



10 lessons



30 lessons



50 lessons



75 lessons



100 lessons



200 lessons

Throughout the year, students with high positive points scores will be rewarded formally and informally – through assemblies, termly ‘treats’, rewards trips and contact home.

Once a student reaches 500 positive points in an academic year, they'll receive our Bronze Award. At 750 points, they'll get the Silver Award. 1,000 points earns students the Gold Award. For students who reach a massive 2,000 points, the Platinum Award awaits - along with a Lutterworth College keepsake. The Headteacher's Award is reserved for those students who exceed 3,000 points.

At the end of each year, students with points totals that place them in the Top 10 of their year groups will receive a Points Superstar Award - the College's highest accolade.


A successful behaviour system recognises the right for every student to learn, free from disruption. The vast majority of our students are eager to learn and to make the most of their time here, and we are keen to maintain an atmosphere in which this can happen. But we also recognise that, sometimes, students make mistakes; as a result, our sanctions system is designed to be fair and proportional.


Lutterworth College has a set of non-negotiables that are detailed below. They represent the minimum that we expect from students. They are displayed in every classroom and are shared with students in assemblies at the start of the academic year.

Negative Behaviour Points

Failure to adhere to the non-negotiables will result in students being issued with a C1, C2 or C3.

  • C1: This is an informal warning. It is not logged.
  • C2: Students will be issued with negative behaviour points – with more severe infractions warranting more points. C2s are visible to students/parents on Go 4 Schools, along with information from the member of staff explaining why the C2 has been issued.
  • C3: A C3 is issued when a student’s behaviour has necessitated their removal from the lesson by a senior member of staff. Again, this is noted on Go 4 Schools, along with information for parents outlining why the C3 was issued.

Negative behaviour points may also be issued by the pastoral team. Where this happens, the reason is logged clearly on Go 4 Schools.


Once a student has reached -25 behaviour points, they will receive a 20-minute lunchtime detention. At -50 behaviour points, a 45-minute after-school detention is issued. 

It is a student’s responsibility to remember to attend an issued detention. Mentors will endeavour to remind students about upcoming detentions, but students should get into the habit of checking their Go 4 Schools accounts and ensuring that their email addresses are up to date for any notifications. Lists are also displayed outside the Pastoral Offices, and we email parents/carers each weekend to notify them of any upcoming detentions for their child.

If a student fails to attend a set detention, they are reallocated to the following week, and issued with a further -10 points. As a result, it’s vital that they attend to avoid receiving an unnecessary additional sanction.

We will continue to issue students with detentions for every -25 point threshold they pass.

Where detentions are proving ineffective in changing negative student behaviours, or where negative behaviour is particularly severe and/or persistent, we may issue students with an in-school exclusion of up to 5 days in length. This is the most severe sanction a student can receive prior to a fixed-term or permanent exclusion.

In-school exclusions take place in our Return to Learning (R2L) base, where our Return to Learning leader works with students to try and address the causes of misbehaviour and offer strategies to prevent its reoccurrence.

In the case of severe and/or prolonged negative behaviours, we may have no choice but to issue students with a fixed-term or permanent exclusion. The latter is very much a last resort.


Go 4 Schools provides students and parents with quick and easy access to a variety of student information: attendance, progress, rewards and sanctions.

While the app offers a quick snapshot of a student’s information, the website has more functionality when it comes to accessing detailed information – for instance, the reason a credit or sanction was issued. We recommend parents access the website daily where possible.

The website auto-generates emails to parent and student accounts that notify of any upcoming detentions, as well as weekly emails summarising attendance and behaviour.

Contacting Us

If you wish to discuss a reward or sanction issued to your child, please contact the member of staff who issued it in the first instance. This will be visible on the Go 4 Schools website.

If you have broader concerns about your child, please contact their mentor or the relevant subject teacher. They may then refer your concerns to the relevant Pastoral Manager or Head of Faculty.

Remember that we hold regular Parental Engagement Evenings where you can discuss your child’s progress with their teachers. Where teachers have requested specifically to see you, please try to attend if you can; often, teachers want to see parents as early as possible so that we can work together to address any concerns.