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Lutterworth College

Duke of Edinburgh Award & World Challenge

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a highly valued and well-respected award among employers, colleges and universities.  Students develop a range of skills and qualities when participating in the award through the completion of an expedition and committing to a volunteering activity, a physical activity and a skill activity in their own time.  They will develop skills such as leadership, problem solving and team work skills.

We run the DofE award at all three levels at Lutterworth College (bronze, silver and gold). Students need to be at least in year 9 to complete the bronze level, at least year 10 for the silver level and year 12 or 13 for the gold level.  Students at each level usually complete an expedition training program led by Lutterworth College staff, allowing them to participate in their expedition as follows:

Bronze - Two day and one night expedition in Charnwood or Warwickshire

Silver – Three day and two-night practice expedition in the Peak District and a three day and two night assessed expedition also in the Peak District

Gold – Three day and two-night practice expedition in the Brecon Beacons and a four day and three night assessed expedition in Snowdonia

Students receive further support in completing their other sections of the award (skill, physical and volunteer).  Gold participants also need to complete a residential section.

However, currently our DofE program is operating under the ‘DofE with a Difference’ guidance due to the pandemic, which is in place until December 2022.  Lutterworth College are currently focussing on providing our 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 cohorts with the opportunity to complete their awards which they were unable to complete because of the pandemic.  Unfortunately, this has delayed our enrolment for 2021-2022.  We therefore plan to send enrolment details to all parents / carers of year 8-12 students in the summer term 2022 ready for a September 2022 start.

If you have any further questions about the DofE award at Lutterworth College, please contact Mr Bailey at c.bailey@lutterworthcollege.com   

World Challenge Expeditions – Vietnam and Cambodia 2022

Lutterworth College embarked on its first expedition with World Challenge Expeditions to India and Rajasthan in 2018.  The expedition was such a success, that Lutterworth College are once again joining up with World Challenge Expeditions for our 2022 expedition to Vietnam and Cambodia.  Our students in years 11 through to year 13 will be taking part in experimental travel - an empowering, life altering form of learning.  World Challenge Expeditions are designed with a focus towards leadership, resilience, teamwork, conservation and sustainability.  Students will get to experience a four to six-day trek, positively contribute towards inspiring and ethical community led projects as well as planning their own sightseeing trips.  Students walk away with an enriched view of self and a newfound confidence to take on the world.