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Lutterworth College

Year 10 Work Experience, June 2025



October 2024 

Dear Parent/Carer,  


We are really pleased to advise you of the forthcoming opportunity for our current Year 10 cohort to undertake a one week block of work experience during June 2025.  

We strongly believe that work placements are an excellent opportunity for students to experience a taste of the working world and focus on the skills needed to thrive in the workplace. It is also extremely beneficial for their communication and social skills and we would encourage every student to participate.   

We will be asking students to organise their own 'self-placement'.  This could be with a family member, friend or neighbour for example, or perhaps with a local business which the student may like to contact and arrange themselves. 

Although beneficial for students to undertake work experience in a sector or industry which they may like to go into for their chosen Career path it does not have to be directly linked.  We feel that any experience of the working world will be of benefit to our students.

Students will be asked to complete the self-placement form below and return either in hard copy to student reception or send in by email to workexperience@lutterworthcollege.com. 

Employers taking on students for self-placements will need to provide copies of their Employer's & Public Liability insurances as well as a copy of a relevant Risk Assessment (a template can be found below). 

Please do not return the self-placement form without copies of the relevant insurances and Risk Assessment.

Self-placements will incur an administrative fee of £12. (Parent Pay item ‘LC Self-placement’)

Self-placement forms should be returned as soon as possible please and absolutely no later than FRIDAY 9th MAY 2025.  Payment via Parent Pay is also required by this date please. 

If students are Free School Meals/Pupil Premium then no contribution is necessary.

With regards to ensuring student safety whilst out at work, alongside making sure that the necessary Risk Assessment and Insurances are in place prior to the work experience starting we will also look at DBS considerations.  If a student will be spending long periods of time alone with a single member of staff then we will look at whether a DBS check needs to be carried out. 

We also ensure that all employers receive a safeguarding leaflet along with a checklist of key points to consider when taking a student on for work experience which we ask them to familiarise themselves with ahead of the student joining them.  We also provide the employer with details of our Designated Safeguarding Lead.

On Day 1 we call all 240 placements and make sure that the student has arrived safely. The employer is then asked to contact the school if the student hasn’t turned up to work that day or if they have any concerns or queries during work experience week.

We also visit as many students as we can whilst out at work.  

Self-placement forms should be completed with parental guidance before being submitted and we ask that you ensure all information entered is correct.

Students will be having an informative assembly regarding the work experience programme on Thursday 31st October, then later this academic year they will have careers-related lessons in PSHE and will be looking at topics including CV's and employability skills.  Additionally, there will be a 'preparing for work experience' lesson which students will complete in early June. 

Students will also be given a Work Experience Log Book for them to complete during the week and retain.

Parents are invited to join us for an information evening to be held in the main hall on Thursday 7th November at 6pm.  An email will be sent out about this shortly.



What hours can my child work?

Working hours are to be agreed directly with the employer.  The number of hours worked by the student should not exceed 37 per week (standard 7-8 hour day)


What if the employer offers my child working hours of 12-6pm - is that OK?

Yes - working hours do not have to reflect the school day.  As long as the student is able to get to and from work for the times agreed then that it is absolutely fine.


What if my child secures a placement which the employer can only support with from Tuesday to Friday, for example?

Some employers, such as hairdressers, are closed on Mondays therefore your son/daughter would not be expected to come into school on the Monday.  Instead, your child may work on the Saturday, or just undertake a 4 day placement instead.


What if we cannot find a placement for our son/daughter?

If you are struggling to source your own placement then we may be able to offer support through our own contacts, but please appreciate that there are 240 students in this year group and we are unable to find placements for every child. Another option is via LEBC who may be able to source a placement for your child, however this is at a cost of approximately £58 per placement.  They will source & visit the placement, carry out Health & Safety checks, gather Risk Assessments & Insurance certificates etc.  For further information please email workexperience@lutterworthcollege.com


Are students covered under Employer's Liability Insurance?

Students are classed as employees for insurance purposes and will therefore be covered under the organisation's Employer's Liability Insurance.


The company I would like my child to go to does not have Employer's /Public Liability Insurance - can my child still go to work with them?

We would rather a placement provider had both Employer's & Public Liability in place, however, in exceptional circumstances we will ask parents to send an email stating that they are happy for the placement to go ahead without these insurances in place.


Is my child allowed out at break/lunchtime?  

Students may not be supervised at break/lunch time and may leave the premises, as any other employee may do, but they must advise their supervisor of the intention to leave site for safety reasons.


What if my child is ill and unable to attend their work placement?

In the case of illness please ensure that a phone call is made both to the employer and Lutterworth College to advise that your child will not be attending that day.  Please do this for every day your child is ill and unable to attend. 


My child takes medication - should we advise the employer?

It is extremely important that the employer is made aware of any medical conditions / medication taken.


What if my child feels unsafe whilst at work?

They should speak directly to their supervisor if they feel unsafe at work or are unhappy about carrying out a particular task.  If they are still unhappy after speaking to their supervisor then the school should be contacted.


Is my child allowed to use their mobile phone whilst at work?

The use of mobile phones are not allowed during working hours without prior approval of the placement supervisor, however breaks & lunchtimes are acceptable. 


Thank you for your support. For any further information or queries please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.   

Best Regards  

Mrs Alison Cant, Careers Advisor 

Mrs Michelle Hadley, Deputy Headteacher & Careers Leader

Email: workexperience@lutterworthcollege.com



Please find below the Self-placement form.  

We have also attached below our Risk Assessment Template, should the employer your child is undertaking their placement with not have one of their own.

Finally, we will shortly be adding a copy of the Presentation from the Information Evening we are holding on Thursday 7th November for those who may be unable to attend on the night:-

Lutterworth College Self-Placement Form 2025


Risk Assessment Template 2024/25