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Lutterworth College

College news - 3rd November -Year 8 Options special

Dear all - this week's College news is written by Michelle Hadley; Assistant Headteacher and Senior Leadership link for the Year 8 cohort. It focuses on the upcoming Year 8 options process for GCSE choices.

Re: Year 8 GCSE Option choices and processes

Next week we will begin to look with our Year 8 students at making their GCSE option choices.  In assembly we will be talking to students about the process of choosing the subjects they would like to study at GCSE level and they will be given a presentation on potential GCSE subjects they may wish to study, but as yet have not experienced. 

Following on from this assembly on Wednesday 8th November Year 8 students will be given their options choice form to bring home and complete with your support.  This completed form should indicate their initial choices, and the deadline for completing and returning this is Friday 1st December.  Completed forms should be returned to main Student Reception.

Further information about the process as well as our important 'Guide to courses' booklet which gives you information about all of the GCSE and BTEC subjects your child can choose from can be found on our website on the KS4: Curriculum, Enrichment and Assessment page, you can access this using the following link: http://www.lutterworthcollege.com/KS4/Curriculum-Assessment/

Spare KS4 options choice forms along with other useful information can also be found on this page of our website for you to download and print.

We would encourage you to attend our Year 8 Options Advice Evening on Tuesday 20th February.  This will provide an opportunity for you and your child to meet with staff and current students to ask any questions you may have about specific GCSE courses.

In addition our Parental Engagement Evenings are available for you to make appointments with your child's teachers to discuss particular subject choices if needed.  Final choices will then be made by Friday 2nd March 2018.

This is an exciting time for students as they begin to consider the subjects they would like to study towards formal qualifications, however I do appreciate it can be daunting. 

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact myself as the Senior Leadership Team to Year 8, your child’s mentor, Miss Smith (Year 8 Pastoral Manager) or Mrs Pirie (Curriculum and Admissions Co-ordinator).

 Michelle Hadley

Assistant Headteacher
