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Lutterworth College

College news - 27th October 2017

Dear all

As we return back after half term we say a fond farewell to Dr Simon Cox, a teacher at Lutterworth College (in its many guises) for over 22 years. We wish him all the very best in his new role at Loughborough University. Dr Cox wanted to leave us with this extract from Douglas Adams 'The Restaurant at the End of the Universe':

 "And the wheel," said the Captain, "What about this wheel thingy? It sounds a terribly interesting project."

"Ah," said the marketing girl, "Well, we're having a little difficulty there."

"Difficulty?" exclaimed Ford. "Difficulty? What do you mean difficulty? It's the single simplest machine in the entire Universe!"

"Alright, Mr Wiseguy," she said, "If you're so clever, you tell us what colour it should be."


As we are sending out our half-termly magazine, Sapere Aude, this week we are keeping this week's blog short - I'm sure there is enough material in the magazine to keep you occupied but I must pay homage to Finlay Quinn & Ethan Smith, both Year 13 Media students, who have done an absolutely fantastic job with the magazine format and content; and I hope you really enjoy it!

We are already working on the Christmas version of Sapere Aude which will be published by the end of term this time!

 Follow this link for the latest edition-


Don't forget tomorrow is The Big Draw - community event for everyone to get involved with at Lutterworth College main school hall from 11.00am - 2pm - all invited!

 Finally, for parents of Year 11 students, our Sixth Form Open Evening is on Thursday 16th November 2017 - please ensure that you are registering your attendance by booking a ticket to one of the talks through our main College website.


Have a lovely weekend

Nick Summers - Headteacher



A couple of important notices added:


AlterEgo’s Chelsea’s Choice is currently being shown in secondary schools across Leicester city, Leicestershire and Rutland. To coincide with this and to ensure parents can support efforts to protect their children, a free performance of the 50-minute play is being offered to parents and carers at the Sue Townsend Theatre in Upper Brown Street, Leicester, on Monday, 30 October at 7.30pm. There are 250 places available and tickets can be booked through Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/chelseas-choice-parent-performance-tickets-38802885475


We would like to make you aware of a new app and website called 'Sarahah'.

What is Sarahah?

  • An app and website that allows users to send and receive anonymous messages.
  • Users cannot respond to messages but they can 'favourite'messages.
  • By default, anyone can leave a message on a profile even if they don't have an account.
  • Now in the top 20 free apps meaning more people are downloading the app.
  • It can easily be linked to other social media.

Why are we posting about this?

  • The Sarahah app has become popular amongst young people
  • The app promotes anonymity - making young people feel like they can hide behind their anonymous screen names and bully others without repercussions.
  • Sarahah can be used to bully other users.
  • There is no filter for explicit content.
  • There is no way to report inappropriate content or threats which means they can build up rapidly.

What can parents do?

  • We would advise parents to discuss the dangers of anonymous apps and have their child delete their Sarahah account (if they use Sarahah).
  • Students can link their Sarahah account with their Snapchat account, we advise your child not to do this.
  • Ensure your child knows what is appropriate to send in private and public messages, whether they are anonymous or not
  • If your child has a desire to use apps like Sarahah, please challenge them to give positive and constructive feedback offline instead.