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Lutterworth College

College news - 24th November 2017

OFSTED inspection at Lutterworth College


This week, on Tuesday & Wednesday, OFSTED inspected Lutterworth College. The last inspection of our school was in 2013 when Lutterworth College was rated as a 'Good' school. The inspection framework for what constitutes a 'Good' rating of a school has become substantially more robust since then. The inspection was, as you would expect, exhaustive and exhausting. The inspection team forensically examined all areas of the College but focused on some key areas including our school's recent substantial change - the addition of our Key Stage 3 (Years 7,8 & 9).

During the inspection OFSTED observed lessons and met with myself, other members of senior leadership, Designated Safeguarding Leads, the College SENCO, middle leaders, numeracy & literacy leads at the College, the Head of Sixth Form, Careers leads, Pupil Premium lead, Governors & Directors. They also held meetings with staff & students; many of which were informal. They further examined students work in their books, in classrooms and the homework provision.

Parents, Staff and students were able to express their views by taking part in the OFSTED survey and in their view these responses were exceptionally positive. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took the time to express their views about the way the school is run.

College leaders were informed of a preliminary judgement at the end of this inspection; however, under OFSTED guidelines there is a quality assurance process to be undertaken before we can release the judgement for the College - which we expect to take about a couple of weeks.

As soon as I can officially release the judgement I will.

have a lovely weekend

Nick Summers - Headteacher