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Lutterworth College

College news 18th November 2017

Sixth Form Open Evening



Yesterday we had our annual Sixth Form open evening for students wanting to join the College in September 2018. Faculties and departments were open displaying the wide range of A levels and BTECs now on offer at Lutterworth College. We welcomed prospective students from Lutterworth High School, Thomas Estley CC, Harris Academy, Rugby High School, Princethorpe and Lawrence Sheriff School as well as many others.

All were very keen to hear about our high attaining Sixth Form and the rapid improvements we had made to turn this into an ALPS 3 Sixth Form -which means we are in the top 25% of Sixth Form nationally with aspirations to go even higher! We were happy to tell of our 24 students who achieved a full portfolio of A*/A grades at A level and especially the three students who went from Lutterworth College to Cambridge this summer.

Our message was quite simple that if you live in Lutterworth or its surrounding communities why would you choose to go elsewhere for Sixth Form?

Closing dates for applications is Friday 1st December to ensure you are allocated your first choice course from one of our 24 A levels or 6 BTECs. More detail & application forms can be downloaded from http://www.lutterworthcollege.com/Admissions-to-Sixth-Form/

Completed application forms can be emailed to enquiries@lutterworthcollege.com


GCSE Options process


A reminder that initial choices for options must be returned to student reception by Friday 1st December 


STEM Leaders


A message from Mrs Hardy - We have 4 students who have just been awarded their STEM Leaders award:

Kerrie McConnell

Anna Donkin

Anna Munsey

Josh Harris

 Big congratulations to them! There are others in the pipeline!!


Parental Engagement Evening - Wednesday 22nd November


Bookings are now open for next Wednesday if you wish to see your child's teacher - there is a waiting list in operation for some teachers.


Awards Evenings - last year's Year 11 & Year 13


We will celebrate the amazing achievements of last year on the following evenings:

Year 11 - Tuesday 12th December 2017

Year 13 - Tuesday 19th December 2017

Further details to follow.


Children In Need 


There were lots of celebrations in college today and below are a few of the images:





Have a lovely evening & weekend!

Nick Summers - Headteacher