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Lutterworth College

College blog - 6th October 2017

Dear all

I wanted to share this week the feedback from the College’s Parental Engagement Group who met on Wednesday evening with College leadership. A group of parents of students in Year 7,8,9 &10 spent 2 hours giving feedback on both our Parental Engagement Evening & our Meet The Mentor evening. I have to say that the feedback on both evenings was overwhelmingly positive and they spoke of teachers who were well prepared, very supportive and who knew their children in depth. We always said that we would review the Engagement Evenings after a couple of run-throughs and this is still the case; however, these early signs are that our parents are extremely pleased – it was very nice to be on the end of some really nice feedback! The parent group also wanted a clearer identity for themselves and decided on being called Friends of Lutterworth College (‘FOLC’ – as in Lutterworth folk…not just another acronym) in future. Their next meeting is in December when FOLC want to focus on some fund-raising activities to improve learning/ facilities at the College. If you have either any ideas for fundraising or you'd like to come along to the next FOLC please get in touch with Viv Lawson - v.lawson@lutterworthcollege.com.


Last weekend, Carl Bailey and his Duke of Edinburgh Award team who took 56 Year 9 students on their first DofE Bronze training walk.  All eight groups completed a 10km trek, where they were introduced to a range of navigation skills.  Carl says that the students displayed excellent team work and problem solving skills while navigating the route and that the feedback on their progress from the volunteer staff was excellent.  What a great start to the DofE Bronze Award 2017-2018!



In other news congratulations to our Maths teacher (and Deputy Head of Faculty) Ali Mulla on being nominated by his trainee for the Outstanding Mentor Award 2016-17 and Ali has been invited to the Centre for Teacher Education’s Annual Celebration evening.  


Macmillan Coffee morning success! - A message from Caroline Kenney - On Friday 29th September I ran what turned out to be a successful Macmillan Coffee Morning/Day. I received quite a large number and range of donated cakes to sell which was wonderful. I had baked several myself and Jayne Verey had very kindly donated trays too. I also set up a display of Avon Products to help boost the takings which drew a lot of interest. The day started off quietly, and steadily got busier towards break time. Lunchtime saw quite a few more customers although not as busy as I had hoped. Many did not have time to attend due to other commitments, but did contribute via my online text messaging system. Thanks to all of you who contributed this way. It was clear by the end of lunchtime that I needed to sell more cakes, so I approached students outside.  I sold a fair few more to still hungry students. But the biggest success was made by me entering the Post-16 classes during period 5 and approaching students and staff who were brilliant and very keen to dig deep and handed over any cash they had in their pockets.  Many did so without wanting to take a cake!  They were fantastic and I thank them for their generosity and support. It appears that period 5 on a Friday is a good time to receive a sugar boost! Thanks to all who donated, purchased or contributed their time on the day, I raised a total of £264.00.  With the Gift Aid contributions added on, Macmillan will receive substantially more. Many thanks to all Caroline Kenney


 Non-Uniform Day on Friday 13th October for Samaritans Leicester - On Friday 13th, the college will be holding a non-uniform day for students in all year groups. This is to raise money for the Leicester branch of the Samaritans. Students are asked to contribute £2 on the day – to be given to their mentor during mentor time. Mr Shovlin has delivered a series of assemblies this week to outline the work that the Samaritans do for people in distress, and has explained to students that a donation of £2 means that they will have paid for the cost of someone’s call to Samaritans. The charity receives no government funding, and yet remains free to access for anyone needing help or support.


We also hope to be getting out our first edition this tear of the College magazine Sapere Aude pretty soon - we have two avid media stars - Finlay Quinlan & Ethan Smith working hard on a publishing deadline....so watch this space...


And finally… On Wednesday this week, four Year 12 students attended The PIXL Celebrating Success event at Central Hall in London with Sara Raywood, our Head of Sixth Form . The students; Molly McCracken, Luke Castle-Jordan, George Chapman and Dylan Clarke were selected to attend following their GCSE success. They were invited on stage for the formal presentation where they received their certificates from the actor James Cosmo.   Well done them!  


Have a lovely weekend

Nick Summers, Headteacher