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Lutterworth College

College blog - 29th September 2017

Dear all

Another busy week here at the College culminating in last nights Year 7 Open Evening for Year 6 students joining the College next September. I have to say a massive thanks to all the staff and students attending to help out - it was a brilliant evening that showcased Lutterworth College and all it has to offer. As a school that has achieved historically high results this summer and a school that can offer a truly seamless educational experience from Year 7 to Year 13 we feel we have a remarkably strong base on which to build for the future of young people in Lutterworth and the surrounding communities. And we want to remain very locally focussed in all we do but with a national and international outlook.

Last week I publicised that our Parental Engagement Group (PEGs) was next meeting on the 4th October and if any Year 6 parents coming along want to give the College feedback on the Open Evening that would be a great forum to do it. Just drop Viv Lawson a line at v.lawson@lutterwortcollege.com.

Next week (Tuesday) is our 'Meet the Mentor' evening for parents of those students who joined us in Year 7, 10 & 12 for this academic year; so we hope to see you there. Invites have already been sent out but if you are in any doubt please contact Michelle Hadley at m.hadley@lutterworthcollege.com.

Next Friday, all Year 12 students attend our Fatal 4 day that tackles extremely important talks, presentations and interactive activities from the emergency services through to the Prison Service. Mrs Kang has been organising this day for the College and a lot of hard work and effort has gone into making it as relevant and interesting as possible. We have run this particular day for a number of years now to focus on the challenges young people face as they transition into adulthood. Student feedback from previous years has been overwhelmingly positive and they actually enjoy the day far more than they initially anticipate!

I have also been asked this week to signpost parents to some of the extra curricular activities currently taking place at the College by following this link : http://www.lutterworthcollege.com/Extra-Curricular-activities-2017-18/

Year 10 Work Experience (June 2018) was also launched this week in assembly - parents should look out for application forms returning home.

Some news from outside Lutterworth College we would like to celebrate our students being involved with - Sarah Richardson (Year 11), Ethan Blagden (Year 13), Liza Kenton (Year 12) , Jennifer Hendry (Year 9) and Abe Armitage (Year 9) were all involved in a production at the Little Theatre last week. The Leicester Theatre Group performed Les Miserables, with the show running every evening from 18th to 23rd September. This has involved many months of rehearsals and they worked extremely hard last week to put on such an amazing show to a full house every night. A group of hard working and talented performers who did a brilliant job in the show! Well done to all of them!

If there are any other items you would like us to celebrate in our weekly blog that our students are involved with just drop me a line at the College.

Have a lovely weekend

Nick Summers (Headteacher)