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Lutterworth College

College News 9th February 2018


School term and holidays consultation


Leicestershire County Council has this week launched the Term Time Consultation for 2019-2022 https://www.leicestershire.gov.uk/term-time-consultation and are keen to invite responses from you.  We would be very grateful if you could participate as the more people who respond the more likely they are to select the most appropriate option.


Canopy Gardens Project


We have a project to build a covered seating area near to the astro-turf pitches. This will be available for students at break and lunchtime and will alleviate some of the issues in our dining rooms. There is obviously a cost to this project which Friends of Lutterworth College (FOLC) are supporting us with; hence we will be putting a link (with details of the project) onto parentpay if you would like to make a supporting donation. We have some ambitious plans for this outside area but the total cost could run up to £80,000 so 'any little helps'.

If you have any good quality, sturdy picnic style tables that you don't use and could donate for this area we would be happy to hear from you.

If you would like more information about the project or want to get involved in some of the fund raising please contact Viv Lawson - v.lawson@lutterworthcollege.com


Catering price rises


There will be some small increases in prices of food served at our dining facilities after half term. Jayne Verey, our Catering Manager, informs us that prices have not risen in over 5 years - even if the portion sizes have! Hence, we have to make some small increments in the price of food.

If you would like to discuss the food or the prices Jayne would be happy to hear from you at j.verey@lutterworthcollege.com


 ID cards 


One of the main reasons we have queues in our Dining rooms is that students do not have their ID cards with them and therefore staff have to write down student names when they pay for food and then process these once once the break or lunchtime is over (with the obvious consequences of potentially not getting the detail quite right). We are going to have to move to a 'no card, no sale' situation after half term to tackle this issue and therefore please ensure that all students have their ID cards loaded with money if they wish to purchase food from the College facilities.  

Mental Health, cyber bullying & internet safety performances - 20th February


A reminder that MJ Ultra & Lexie are performing to Year 7, 8 and 9 on the 20th February in the main school hall. A communication did go out to all parents in these year groups in January but if there are any concerns about students attending please contact the relevant Pastoral Manager asap.


Upcoming events


Half term – 12th to 16th February  

Mental Health performances – 20th February 

Parental Engagement Evening – 27th February 2017 (Year 11 & 13 only) – this is a revised date for intervention following PPEs 

Exams Start – 14th May 2017 (10 school weeks to go) 


Thought For The Week - w/c 19th December 2018


Never say never because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion........

- Michael Jordan