College News 30th November 2018
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Headteachers message - Sapere Aude is out!
Last week saw the release of Sapere Aude - the College's termly magazine - if you haven't yet read it you can follow the link below - it's a really good read and so professionally produced by our students - I wanted to thank everyone involved in producing one of the best Sapere Aude magazines to date!
School legacy display
A group of Duke of Edinburgh students are in the process of creating a Lutterworth College (Grammar) legacy display and they are looking for any old photographs of staff, students, events, the buildings etc. If you have any to donate or that can be borrowed for scanning and returned please could you let Mr at the College Bailey know!
Medic Society Club
Starting from next week, there will be a new Medic Society Club for those who are interested in careers in medicine, veterinary medicine and dentistry. It is an opportunity to gain insight into these careers, prepare for what to expect, talk with others who are interested and learn from the professionals themselves when they come and visit to mentor us. It will run every week 2 Tuesday lunch in S1 from 1:30 - bring your lunch!
Pre Public Examination changes
The timings for the school day during the PPE’S will be:
- Period 1: 8.40-9.40am
- Mentor: 9.40 – 10.00am
- Period 2: 10.00 – 11.00am
- Break: 11.00 – 11.20am
- Period 3: 11.20-12.20pm
- Lunch: 12.20 -1.00pm
- Warning Bell: 1.00pm
- Period 4: 1.05- 2.05pm
- Warning Bell: 2.05pm
- Period 5: 2.10 - 3.10pm
The new timings will be from Wednesday 5 December up to & including Wednesday 19 December
In order to try and keep noise/disruption to a minimum the following will be put in place for the PPE’s:
- The corridor in the reception block where Dance & the small gym are located will be closed to students –can staff please assist with ensuring that students walk around the outside of the reception building.
- Both gyms will be out of bounds to students. Students must not use the gyms as a short cut through the building
- Students can only visit the PE office during break & lunch
- When using the PE changing rooms students must be as quiet as possible and keep conversation to a minimum
6th-20th December – Pre Public Examinations (Year 11 & Year 13)
7th December – FOLC Christmas Quiz
11th December – Year 11 (2017-18) Awards Evening (6.00-8.00pm)
13th December – Parents Engagement Evening 4/9 (3.30-6.30pm)
14th December – NUD ‘Christmas Jumper Day’
18th December – Year 13 (2017-18) Awards Evening (6.00-8.00pm)
20th December – Last Day of Term
21st December – INSET/ PPA Day
22nd December – 6th January 2019 – Christmas break
7th January – First day of term / students return
4th February – Parental Engagement Evening 5/9 (3.30-6.30pm)
12th February – Year 8 Options Advice Evening (3.20-7.30pm)
15th February – Year 8 Options deadline
16th – 24th February – Half Term break
Next week
The theme for next week is a Musical showcase and assemblies will be led by Mr Lubkowski and our Chaplaincy team
“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light” Isaiah 9v2