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Lutterworth College

College News 2nd February 2018

 Pre Public Exam results today!


Today, with the inevitable highs and lows, Year 11 & Year 13 students collected their Pre-Public Examination results from the main school hall. The results will be available via the Go4Schools platform.

If there are any queries or issues about results the first port of call should be the subject teacher who will be able to give advice and support for the next steps.


Honours Programme Information Evening - Thursday 8th February


There is an Honours Programme Information Evening next Thursday for Year 11 & Year 12 students and parents - there have been letters out this week via comms but anyone who wishes to find out more ahead of this evening can contact tour Honours Programme leader, Ash Pepper - a.pepper@lutterworthcollege.com.

Year 11 - 6.45pm

Year 12 - 7.30pm

This evening is open to all year 11 & 12 students and their parents but particularly aimed at those wishing to eventually make a successful application to a top UK university such as Oxford, Cambridge, Russell Group university, or other competitive entry courses.

There will be a short talk in the main hall - see timings above - with refreshments available from 6:15pm until 8:15pm. Here, you can talk to some of the staff involved in supporting your son/daughter within the Honours Programme.  There will also be some current Year 13 students who are part of the 15/10 mentor group and are applying to medicine, veterinary, dentistry, arts colleges and any Oxbridge course.

On the evening you will find out about the support and guidance available to your son/daughter in making the most of their GCSEs, making A Levels choices and information regarding making an application to a competitive entry course.  You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about these issues with the members of staff available after the talks.


How many weeks until the first public examinations start?


A question that we refelect on daily here at the College......

Answer: Only 11 school weeks to go until our summer examinations start on the 14th May 2018.


We are buidling in lots of strategies to help and support our students get the very best from this summer's examinations and we would encourage parents to be discussing with students their own strategies during this stressful time for all.


Mental Health, Online Safety & Cyber Bullying Performances – Tuesday 20th February 2018


As part of the support we give to our students at Lutterworth College we are very pleased to have organised the performers, Lexie & MJ Ultra, to come into school on Tuesday 20th February 2018 to give some important messages for Year 7, 8 & 9.

 They will give advice on how to stay safe online (i.e. never giving out personal information, never meeting strangers online, safety on social network sites, following parental rules on the internet etc) as well as discussing cyber bullying and where to go for help.

 They will further discuss their own personal stories (including a time one of them was affected by cyber bullying, how they felt at the time, how they reacted, and the outcome of the situation). They will discuss mental health, the causes of mental health problems, again relating it to personal experiences where they have had their own mental health issues, who they turned to for help and the importance of speaking up. The talk is intended to be engaging and very interactive.

 If you have any concerns about your child attending this important performance please contact your child’s relevant Pastoral Manager:

 Year 7 – Mrs House 

Year 8 – Ms Smith

 Year 9 – Mrs Wildbore


Collecting students from school


We are experiencing an increasing number of students being collected from school after 3.30pm - some even after 6pm. It is becoming increasingly noticeable in the cold weather as students wait in school to be collected. The school does not have provision to care for students late into the afternoon / early evening and therefore could we ask that you collect any student within a reasonable amount of time after school closure at 3.10pm and before 3.30pm which is approximately when the last bus service leaves. Thank you.

Thought for the Week


“And this is the promise which He himself made to us: eternal life.”

 1 John 2:25