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Lutterworth College

College News 26th October 2018 


Headteachers message

This week saw the Trust have its annual Sixth Form Open evening and we were really pleased to see so many Year 11 students and their families attending. It really feels that we are the 'go to' sixth form for students in Lutterworth and the surrounding communities following two years of really successful results.

Sixth Form - Year 12 had a really powerful and invaluable experience with the emergency services and other contributors in the annual FATAL 4 Day. It was great to see students enjoying themselves whilst learning about how to keep themselves safe. Well done to the students and many thanks to all involved.

We have two big events coming up - The Big Draw (tomorrow) and The Shoebox Appeal (next week) - more details below - it would be great to see as many of our school community taking part in both.

 Tomorrow we have The Big Draw :

A Community Drawing Event for Students, Families and Friends.

Come along between 11am and 2pm on Saturday 27th October 2018 in the Main Hall to contribute to the college murals that will go on display in school.

You can come along for however long you wish between 11am-2pm
(10mins,30mins, an hour or the whole day).

We ask for a small donation of a £1 on entry to go to the Big Draw Drawing Charity.

This Years Theme:‘Play’


Next week we start our 'shoebox appeal' on aid of Operation Christmas Child

Since 1990, more than 100 million boys and girls in over 130 countries have experienced God’s love through the power of simple shoe box gifts from Operation Christmas Child. Samaritan’s Purse works with local churches and ministry partners to deliver the gifts.

1. Find an empty shoebox

The shoebox should ideally be medium size, as shown (but this is just a guideline). Wrap the lid and the box separately in wrapping paper (before going on to insert your gifts).

2. Decide if your gift is for a boy or girl

Tick the appropriate age box on the sticker provided and stick it on the outside of the lid (top right). The age categories are 2-4, 5-9, and 10-14. Ensure the label is secure.

 3. Fill your box with new gifts

Use our suggested gifts listed to help you choose what to put in your box. Please DO NOT include items in the  'No thanks' box.

 4. Make your donation

We suggest a minimum £3.00 'shipping' donation per shoebox - which helps ensure your shoebox gets to where it needs to go.

5. Drop off your shoebox

Ensure your shoebox is secured with a rubber band around the outside. Then take your shoebox to H26 by Wednesday 14th November . (They will then be taken to where they are needed around the world..

Samaritan’s Purse International is registered as a charity within England and Wales (1001349) and in Scotland (SC039251) and as an incorporated company registered by guarantee in England and Wales. Company Number 2462257.

We would like a box from every student!

Please contact the Shoe Box  team for more details based in H26 with Mrs Alderman.

 Gifts to include in your box.

Toys: Bear, soft toy, tennis ball, finger puppet, jigsaw, yo-yo, building blocks, small musical instrument, trucks, cars, dolls, clip on earrings, etc... 

Education Items: Calculator, felt pens, pens, pencils, pencil sharpener, eraser, colouring book, notepad, picture or puzzle book, chalk, pencil case, stickers, etc. 

Hygiene Items: Toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, comb, hair clips, bar of soap, flannel, etc. 

Other Items: Sweets (sell-by date to be at least March of the following year), gloves, scarf, sunglasses, cap, hat, bangles, necklaces etc. 

All gifts should be new, please include items from each category

Please …                                                             

No Food - particularly chocolate (non-chocolate sweets are allowed)

No medicine - or vitamins of any kind

 No war related items - toy guns, play soldiers or knives of any kind

No clothing - other than listed above

No fragile items - e.g. glass containers, mirrors

No liquids - including blow bubbles, shampoo, bubble bath, toiletry sets or aerosols

No dangerous items - sharp objects, scissors or razors

No books with many words

 Nothing of a political nature

No hand-made stuffed toys without a CE mark.


Have a great weekend

Nick Summers






9th November – Remembrance Day Service


21st November – Parent Engagement Evening 3/9 (3.30-6.30pm)


11th December – Year 11 (2017-18) Awards Evening (6.00-8.00pm)


13th December – Parents Engagement Evening (3.30-6.30pm)


18th December – Year 13 (2017-18) Awards Evening (6.00-8.00pm)


20th December – Last Day of Term (1.30pm finish)


21st December – INSET Day



Next week





The theme for the week after half term  is Children in Need and assemblies will be led by Michelle Hadley and our Chaplaincy team




“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves”