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Lutterworth College

College News 25th May 2018 - Half Term


Headteachers message - Examinations have started!       


It will come as no surprise to our school community that examinations have started in earnest and they are going extremely well. As we end the second week there is a well earned break for our students as they regroup over half term for one final push. I have been so impressed with their preparation, behaviour and sheer dogged approach to making sure they get the most out of these exams.#

this week we say goodbye to a teacher of 30 years standing at Lutterworth College (in all of its guises). Mr Lythgoe of our Maths Faculty finally puts away his chalk and heads off into the retirement sunset. We wish him all the very best!

We can also announce that Mr Boulstridge has been appointed as Head of Faculty in English, Media and MFL. Mr Boulstridge joined us at the beginning of last year with nearly 30 years experience at the chalkface and we wish him all best in his new role that starts in September. He can be contacted at a.boulstridge@lutterworthcollege.com.

Finally, the recent news that Grammar schools were to get an additional £50 million to improve applications from disadvantaged schools https://www.theguardian.com/education/2018/may/11/grammar-schools-in-england-to-get-50m-expansion-fund is particularly challenging for our schools as we strive to improve our provision for all children across our Trust. An equal part of that amount allocated to each Grammar school would have taken so much pressure of our own school which is openly inclusive for all. Leicestershire stands on its own in this respect as we have no grammar schools in the county and  we are rightly proud of our comprehensive intake that go on to fantastic careers and universities.

Have a lovely bank holiday and half term

Nick Summers

Executive Headteacher

Lutterworth Academies Trust



Canopy Gardens


This project goes from strength to strength and we should soon be serving refreshments from 'The Garden Shed' as well as landscaping beginning. As always please keep the donations coming in - we would love for the area to have its 'canopy' for the Autumn term.


Friends of Lutterworth College (FOLC) - Colour Run -Saturday 7th July 2018





Digital Resilience Toolkits




Parent Engagement Evenings


There is only one of these left this academic year:

Monday 18th June 2018

3.30-6.30 pm


Upcoming events


Changes to school day timing – Monday 21st May to Friday 22nd June

The timings will be as follows throughout this period:

 Warning bell        8.35am

Period 1               8.40 – 9.40am

Mentor time         9.40 – 10.00am (note: this is 5 minutes shorter – but in line with next academic year)

Period 2               10.00 – 11.00am

Break                   11.00 – 11.20am

Warning bell       11.15am

Period 3               11.20 – 12.20pm

Lunch                  12.20 – 1.05pm

Warning bell        1.00pm

Period 4               1.05 – 2.05pm

movement time   2.05 – 2.10pm (as per next year as a ‘trial period’)

Period 5               2.10 – 3.10pm


Ramadan – 15th May to 14th June

Public Exams finish – 22nd June 2018

 Sixth Form Induction – 2nd & 3rd July

 Sports Day – 4th July

 Sixth Form Open Day (Year 12 – 2019 entry) – Saturday 7th July am

 Canopy Gardens Colour Run – Saturday 7th July pm

 Year 7 Induction – 9th & 10th July

 Last Day of Term  – Friday 13th July 

 A level Results Day – Thursday 17th August 2018 (07.00am)

 GCSE Results Day – Thursday 24th August 2018 (09.00am)


Thought For The Week - w/c 9th April 2018


“When you do exams you never want to be the one who finishes first and you never want to be the one who finishes last”  

Anthony T Hincks