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Lutterworth College

College News 23rd March 2018


5 (school) weeks until examinations start!              


As we break for Easter I hope that you have some robust plans for some rest & relaxation. When we return it is only five short weeks until exams start in earnest (I know that some subjects have already started their practical assessments like Drama’s late night examined performances this week) whilst being a slightly longer half term (seven weeks) to the May break. 

We start the next half term with the  GCSE English & Maths PPE’s in the first week back and then we move onto the Year12 internal examinations at the end of April.  

After Easter Humanities will also  be running History and Geography interventions after Easter:

 Monday - History starting the 9th of April for two weeks. Ends 30th of April

Tuesday - Geography begins on the 9th of April (not running on the 17th due to field trip) ends 8th of May



Easter 2018



This year we have not run the traditional 'paid for' Easter revision sessions for a variety of reasons but mainly:

  • Staff Wellbeing - it is important that all staff get a decent break over Easter before the run-up to the important summer examinations and we didn't want staff feeling pressured to have to offer additional sessions during their holidays - stress and anxiety in the workplace are national issues and we need to ensure that staff are refreshed and ready to give support to students next term
  • Student feedback - there has been no real enthusiasm for the sessions as students have said they have done no further work because they have attended the sessions - this creates an imbalance in the time they should be spending on their revision in each subject
  • No impact on outcomes - there is no empirical evidence that we have that students coming in for Easter sessions have had a progressive impact on results - indeed, when we ran the lowest number of these sessions ever last Easter we became the highest attaining school in Leicestershire! In previous years where we had run an extensive and intensive Easter programme the outcomes certainly did not reflect the effort and hard-work that went into the preparation and running of these sessions.

Hence, apart from a couple of subject areas where there have been strategic issues, the College site will be closed to both staff and students over Easter.


Friends of Lutterworth College (FOLC)


The next re-arranged meeting of FOLC is Wednesday 11th April 2018 (6pm-8pm) in the Q Zone above the school library. We welcome all previous and new attendees - especially if you have some great ideas for our fundraising projects.

If you need further information on FOLC please contact Viv Lawson - v.lawson@lutterworthcollege.com


Lanyards & ID cards - 'No Card - No sale'


It is vital that students have their ID cards with them at all times not least in order to purchase food.

We are going to move to a strictly 'no card no sale' policy in the canteens from 1st May 2018. We will be issuing new ID card holders and lanyards to all those that need them after Easter; and these will be written back into the school uniform policy. 


This weeks shows at the College


A massive thank you to all those parents and members of the local community that attended our music and dance showcases this week - we've had some truly amazing feedback. A great success!


Upcoming events


PE trip – Leicester Tigers – Saturday 24th March

 Easter Holidays start – Monday 26th March

 GCSE Maths & English PPEs – 9th April –to11th April

 Year 12 internal exams – 24th April to 4th May

 Year 11 Geography & History Boosters – 9th April to 18th May

 Year 13 Pre Public Examinations (Faculties) – 9th April to 13th April

 Parental Engagement Evening (7/9) – Wednesday 18th April

 Public Exams Start – 14th May 2018  (5 school weeks to go!)

 Public Exams finish – 29th June 2018



Thought For The Week - w/c 9th April 2018


“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.”  

Maya Angelou