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Lutterworth College

College News 15th February 2019


Year 8 GCSE options deadline

This week we had a really successful GCSE options evening for current Year 8 students who are considering their options for study over the next three years. Option forms need to be returned to the College (Student Reception) by 3pm on the first day back after half term – Monday 25th February 2019. Any received after this date/ time will be marked as late.


IPAT Singing Workshop

This week we had 250 Year 2 students from the nine IPAT primary Schools in school working with our Show Choir. They performed a massed version of 'I'd Do Anything' from Oliver as well as showcasing their own songs. Show Choir sat with and helped schools get onto and off the stage as well as playing games with them at their break time. A great success and well done to all involved!

Legacy display

We currently have a Gold Duke of Edinburgh project team who are creating a ‘legacy project’ for the school celebrating its rich heritage dating back to 1880. If you have any old photographs of the school or pupils at the school and you wouldn’t mind donating them for display, please drop them into The Laurels reception in an envelope marked ‘Legacy Project’. We can’t promise you them back so please be sure you are willing to donate permanently!


High School Musical


 Tickets available at https://lutterworthcollege.yapsody.com/event/index/331291/high-school-musical-on-stage


Transport to & from the College

Thank you for the feedback we have already received on transport, both positive and identifying areas for improvement. A reminder that we would like to take any feedback from you regarding the transport SERVICES to and from the College. We have a unique email address set up for the purpose - transportfeedback@lutterworthcollege.com This email account will be open until 28th February 2019 for you to express any concerns, recommendations or indeed share the positive experiences of the transport arrangements to and from the school. The Trust will consolidate the main points raised and discuss them with the local authority at a meeting planned for March.

We are also getting increasingly concerned that some students, despite constant warnings, are running across the bus lanes (and in between moving buses) to get on their bus home at the end of the school day. We have taken huge steps in ensuring that students from other schools are not using the school as a transit base but we still want to get the end of school day right so that all our students get to board their buses safely. We will be having a Transport Safety Tutor coming to speak with all bus students next half term but if parents could also remind their child of the need to act safely and follow instructions it would be useful. We will be monitoring this situation and communicating home with parents where we believe a student is not behaving safely in this respect.


New minibus

We are very proud to have taken delivery of our new school minibus – apparently the first time that the College has had its own livery on a bus -  it certainly looks the part!




 Pre-Public Examinations

There will be a second set of Pre Public Examinations for Year 11 & Year 13 that will happen before Easter starting on Monday 1st Aril and ending on Friday 12th April.


Revision classes (Year 11 & Year 13)

Revision classes will begin on Monday 25th February.Please see the link below on which classes are being offered.

Students can find full details about the content of each particular session by checking at Student Reception.Note that students must arrive promptly for sessions. For lunchtime classes, they should bring a packed lunch.


 Revision Tips can also be found on the school website by following: https://www.lutterworthcollege.com/Revision-Tips/


Have a good weekend (and half term)!

Nick Summers 




Upcoming Events



15th February – End of SFWSS listening period


16th February – Sixth Form interviews


16th – 24th February – Half Term break


25th February - Year 8 Options Forms Deadline (3pm)


27th February – Friends of Lutterworth College meeting (6pm – school library)


5th March – Parental Engagement Evening 6/9 (3.30-6.30pm)


7th-9th March – High School Musical


18th March – Year 9 Booster immunisations


19th March – Year 11 ‘in school’ GCSE History Conference


1st-12th April – Pre Public Examinations (2nd set) – Year 11 & Year 13


3rd April – Parental Engagement Evening 7/9 (3.30-6.30pm)


4th April – Apprenticeship Fair (6-8pm)


13th-28th April – Easter Holidays



Next school week’s Thought for The Week


We instinctively tend to limit for whom we exert ourselves. We do it for people like us, and for people whom we like. Jesus will have none of that. By depicting a Samaritan helping a Jew, Jesus could not have found a more forceful way to say that anyone at all in need - regardless of race, politics, class, and religion - is your neighbour. Not everyone is your brother or sister in faith, but everyone is your neighbour, and you must love your neighbour.” 

― Timothy Keller, Generous Justice: How God's Grace Makes Us Just