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Lutterworth College

College News 12th January 2018


Pre-Public Examinations (PPEs) January 2018


As we start the new year we get underway straight away with our Pre-Public Examinations ('mocks' in old money) for both our Year 11 & Year 13 students. These PPEs are sat under exactly the same regulations as the formal public examinations with students sitting their exams in the main examination venues with external invigilators. The objective is to give our students an experience that is as close as possible to the actual public examinations so that when they happen this summer they are far less of a daunting experience.

So far, so good .... with students, especially those in Year 11 who have never experienced the formality of a public examination, getting a true to life event that will put them in the very best position (as they will be prepared for what is coming in a few months).

Following the PPEs teachers at the College will be in a fantastic position to give both students and parents the next steps for personal improvement and progress - this should really help support our students get the best possible outcomes in the summer. It would be nice to hold onto our crown of being The highest attaining school in Leicestershire as by doing so we know we are serving our learning community very well.


E-Safety survey for parents


I’ve been asked by Police and CSE colleagues to forward the following link to a parent e-safety survey. The survey will be live till the end of January 2018.



Countdown to the exams - A* Futures


We have spent a lot of time this week discussing ways in which the school can support improvement in examination results and you will notice some of these strategies i.e Booster sessions, coming 'on stream' over the next few weeks.

It is worth remembering that the summer exams come around very quickly - effectively beginning in about 15 school weeks time! 

The College, its faculties and teaching staff will be adopting a mindset that will require a 'teaching to the top' approach - certainly at Year 13 teaching staff will be sharing model answers for A* responses as part of the feedback from the PPEs. 

It is this mindset that we would like to permeate all areas of the school so that all of our students can achieve the very best outcomes and go onto the best higher and further education venues, apprenticeships and careers.


Parent Engagement Evenings


The next scheduled PEE is 29th January 2018 .


have a great weekend

Nick Summers - Headteacher