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Lutterworth College

College News -

11th January 2019

Headteachers message - Breck's Last Game


Breck’s Last Game is the real story of Breck Bednar, a 14 year old Surrey schoolboy, who was brutally murdered in Essex after being groomed by someone he met through online gaming. 

The school invited parents to watch a video and presentation this week produced by Essex Police about Breck’s story and how he came to be murdered through his online activity. Following this, we are showing  the short film to all staff and students during assemblies next week.

The link to the parent presentation from this week is given below:


After seeing the film, staff will use a series of lesson plans and activities to support student’s understanding of the risks involved in their online activities.  



As a parent of three I also recognise that there is barely any separation between online and offline worlds for today’s children. Their use of games, apps, social media and services play a central part in the development of their identity, friendships, relationships and aspirations.  As digital natives they engage technology in all parts of their life. It is universally recognised that the appropriate use of technology brings significant benefits to the learning and achievement in schools. This widespread usage both in the educational and social/ entertainment contexts has increased the risk of potential safeguarding issues from online activity. Many children do not fully understand the risks inherent in their online activities nor how to manage those risks. 

By parents, staff and students engaging with the excellent resources produced as part of The Breck Foundation you will be helping to keep children safe online and I urge you to spend some time ascertaining how best you can ensure children are kept safe both on and offline.

As promised during the presentation this week there are also some apps that parents should be immediately aware of (there is a further link to more apps at the end of the presentation):



Have a good weekend

Nick Summers





 7th January – First day of term / students return

18th January - PPE results day

4th February – Parental Engagement Evening 5/9 (3.30-6.30pm)

12th February – Year 8 Options Advice Evening (3.20-7.30pm)

15th February – Year 8 Options deadline

16th – 24th February – Half Term break

25th February - Year 8 Options Forms Deadline

Next week



 Breck's Last Game



“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore is not an act but a habit”  Aristotle