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Lutterworth College

College news 8th December 2017


 Adverse weather condiitons


Snow is predicted this weekend - we do not expect to have to take any action as a consequence but the advice for parents, staff and students is always to check the College website for updates


Pre-Public Examinations January 2018


Pre-Public Examinations (mocks) are taking place in January 2018 for students in Years 11 & 13. Teachers will be ensuring that students have appropriate revision and study materials for the Christmas period so that they can be best prepared come January.

We do say that 50 hours of study over the 19 day period is a minimum for students to be aiming for; an average of 2-3 hours per day.

For Year Year 11 students this will normally equate to 5 hours per subject and for Year 13 students 16 hours per subject. Having worked in other schools I know very well that this is a minimum that is applied and many schools set a much higher target. 

However, we know that students need a rest and recharge, and being a church school, time for reflection. Hence, a healthy diet of work & rest is recommended and we ask parents to support us with both.


Cross Country Success!


Saturday 2nd December saw the last race of the Leicestershire Cross Country League.  Over the course of four races, students from all over Leicestershire compete in a range of distances over challenging courses in all types of weather.  Whilst the traditions of athletics events recognise the top three positions, the team prizes cannot be achieved without a buy in from all the runners regardless of ability as their position of often pushes another runner/school further down the finishing list.

This season around 20 students have competed for the College for individual and team prizes, but all our runners have represented with determination, passion and commitment. 

Congratulations and thanks goes to all students, however particular success is acknowledged for: Jack Stretton (Year 7) for achieving 3rd in his age group, Alex Keeble (Year 8) for achieving 4th in his age group, Rhea Cooper (Year 12) for achieving 3rd in her age group and finally the Junior Boys team of Alex Keeble, Douglas Low, William Perkins, Ben Cave, Sam McKenlay, Kian Traynor and Adam Painter for securing 2nd place in the overall competition.

Dom Lane - Assistant Headteacher


Sixth Form applications


Following on from our excellent Sixth Form results this summer we are being overwhelmed by applications for our Sixth Form with well over 300 so far. We will still accept applications past the deadline as there are still spaces on some courses.

If you want a tour of our Sixth Form or have any questions about applying for Sixth Form you can contact our Head of Sixth Form, Sara Raywood s.raywood@lutterworthcollege.com


Christmas Jumper Day - Friday 15th December


Next Friday is Christmas Jumper Day. School uniform as normal but with Christmas jumpers on show!

A contribution to the Christmas Jumper charity will be necessary.


OFSTED report


Following our recent OFSTED inspection I will be sending out the final copy of the report to all parents next week. 


Have a lovely weekend 

Nick Summers - Headteacher